The first scarf I finished is the Moebius scarf for my goddaughter, knitted in Diamond Rio. This yarn is rayon, which gives it a nice drapy hand, as recommended for Moebius scarves.
Lo and behold, here it is, in living color. This is the entire scarf, just as it came off the needles, not yet blocked. It was knit from the center outward and, as you can see, has only one side and only one edge.
This is a closeup of a section of the scarf. To keep it from curling, it's knit in three rows of stockinette, then three rows of reverse stockinette, and so on. You're looking at the reverse stockinette (because stockinette rolls toward the smooth side). Rather than casting off the usual way, I used an attached I-cord cast-off. You can see this at the left side of the photo.
Here's a rather blurry photo of another Moebius scarf, this one in wool. I think I must have moved the camera, since I don't think the scarf was moving around. At least, I hope it wasn't.
The scarf is really somewhat pinker than this photo indicates. It's more fuchsia than plum.
Here's a close-up, showing the regular casting off, on the left. You can see the stockinette better here because the wool doesn't roll as easily as the rayon.
The light-colored cord in the lower right corner is part of the camera strap, not part of the scarf.
OK, now that I can bully blogger into uploading photos, I'll have to go take the rest of them. I'll also post some photos of scarves that I knitted just to be knitting. They're looking for good homes, so keep an eye out for them.
I am really jazzed by the Moebius scarves. I don't think the arthritic hands will allow it, but I'd love to see a pattern, just out of curiosity.
Take care,
You can google for Cat Bordhi or Moebius (maybe Mobius) scarf and find the instructions, which I did, but I didn't really figure it out until I bought her book, A Treasury of Magical Knitting.
You need a 60-in. circular needle of the appropriate size. The way this works is to do a provisional cast-on like you do on scrap yarn, only on the cable of the needle. You're going to knit into both the upper and lower loops of this provisional cast-on, with the needle looped twice. Then it's just a matter of knitting for a few rows and then purling for a few rows (or, if you're like me and don't like to purl, you do a slip stitch and wrap, to turn your knitting around and knit in the other direction for a few rows.
I realize that this sounds quite incoherent, but if you look at the book (or, maybe, the googled instructions), it's as clear as day and really simple.
Really. I promise. I had no trouble with it at all and I'd never done a provisional cast-on in my life. Nor had I ever done an attached I-cord cast-off. The hardest part was counting as I cast on and I cheated with stitch markers every twenty stitches.
If, after you look further into this, you don't want to knit a Moebius scarf but you do want to have one, let me know and I'll send you one. I've got a nice white, fluffy, part-mohair one sitting beside me, just needing to have the yarn ends woven in before it's washed and blocked and ready to go to a good home.
Take a look at the recent double issue of "Science News" dated Dec 23 & 30.
Starting on pg 411, there is an article entitled "Crafty Geometry." Daina Taimina and Hinke Osinga have knitted and crocheted hyperbolic surfaces to better demonstrate them to students. There are some neat pictures you might appreciate.
See if this link works. If not, I'll email one directly.
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