24 April 2009

Birthday Cards

I got a birthday card and note from my favorite niece in the whole world (she's actually my only niece, but I still recognize her superiority at being a niece). She told me that she bought herself a Kindle 2 after reading my posting on mine. She has always been a great reader, like me, which I think has made us closer over the years. I have to admit to having aided and abetted her reading habit; I would buy her books when we visited Iowa and even now we give her Amazon gift certificates.

Still, to convince her, with just a few words, to buy a Kindle 2.... Fortunately for my auntly reputation, she loves it with a passion. I am so pleased to hear that from her, since I love mine, and her, so very much.

She is a wonderful person. She's really good at dealing with people, which is a large part of her job (she's a fairly high-level manager at the hospital system of a big Midwestern university), and she's very intelligent. She got her MBA at that same university while working full time, with excellent grades. We are so proud of her and her success. She's also a wonderful aunt to her four nieces and one nephew. She graciously gives me a much-needed outlet for knitted goods, by accepting and wearing warm woolly scarves.

Maybe she'll start leaving the occasional comment here. I didn't even know she was reading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I know who to come to when I don't feel so great about myself! Of course I love my Kindle, not only did you give it a stunning review, but it combines my two great passions...gadgets and books! Can't imagine where that came from :-) I had actually looked at them before, but couldn't get past not having an actual book in my hand. After reading your post and remembering how many books I sorted and gave away when I moved, I thought it might not be so bad. I don't miss the books at all! My only problem now is how easy it is to buy stuff....my Amazon charges are a little crazy. Have you used www.jungle-search.com? Great for finding cheap/free e-books on Amazon. Luv ya!!