Blue Lagoon Merino/Tencel Fingering Weight Yarn
Originally uploaded by Mary The Digital Knitter
This is a beautiful yarn from The Woolen Rabbit. The yarn is greener than it looks in this photo, though.
I've just started knitting a Diamond Fantasy Shawl with it. I'm on row 40 or so (tip up, not center down) and it looks very good to me. As I knitted I started wondering about the yarn. Is a Merino/Tencel yarn suitable for lace? Is it going to block well?
Would anyone with experience with knitting lace with Merino/Tencel care to comment? I'd love to hear any opinions.
You're a retired Aerospace Engineer? I am truly humbled. You would be like the dream conversation for my intelligent conversation starved mind!
No, I am the oldest of 7.
And it was the show, "Alice" and Flo was the waitress who would always get mad at Al, the cook.
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